Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Justin Timberlake

I has been some time since I posted something on my blog. The reason for this is that I have wasted a considerable amount of my play-time trying to upload a video of Justin Timberlake performing onto my blog. Despite my best efforts, and those of an IT guru with whom I work, I have failed. So if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

Instead of my video clip I will add an image.

In its place ...

Libraries 2.0

Libraries 2.0 mean a whole new world for libraries, and I believe, a whole new image for librarians. We should be proud of our cutting- edge profession. The old image is fading...

Today I have been reading articles about Libraries 2.0. It is mind-boggling but pretty exciting.

The challenge is really there for us 'traditional' librarians to embrace the changes and not be afraid of them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Byron Bay Australia's best beach